The Michael Warlock Lecture
Performance Videos
Welcome to this secret page!
Below you will find performance videos of some routines from my lecture
Phase 1: Card Appears inside Phone
Phase 2: Card is removed from Phone
Phase 3: Card Changes Colour in mid air
Phase 4: The Card is the selected
Credit to:
Nicholas Lawrence - Evolve
Nick Einhorn / Craig Squires / Marc Kerstein - DFB
Jakob Halskov - Card to Phone
Grandma's Miracle
Phase 1: Bead melts onto String
Phase 2: Bead Vanishes and Appears back on string
Phase 3: Bead is passed through string held by Participant
Phase 4: All 3 Beads melt through string in participants hand
Credit to:
TCC & Chen Yang - Grandma's Miracle
(Originally the trick called Grandmothers Necklace was created over 400 years ago)
Bag for Life
Phase 1: Coin melts through bag
Phase 2: Coin is thrown back into Bag
Phase 3: Coin vanishes and Appears under Watch
Credit to:
Mark Bendall & Issy Simpson - Bag for Life
Greg WIlson - Coin under Watch
Phase 1: Signed Coin Vanishes
Phase 2: Signed Coin appears inside Party Popper
Credit to:
Mike Davis!
Nick Adams!